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The Value of Passion: Why You Should Charge for Your Work

Lately, with both potential clients and our long-time clients, we’ve been hearing a lot about pricing, and it seems to be a common occurrence to be worried people won’t pay if things aren’t dirt cheap. But here’s the thing about that: your passion and skills have value. Let’s break it down a little bit.

  • The things you create deserve compensation. Charging actually boosts that value by showing it’s not just a freebie, or a fast and dirty job. You’re putting the time and effort in to create something quality that is deserving of a fair payment.
  • Sustainability is key. Burning yourself out by undervaluing your work hurts everyone. Fair pricing lets you keep doing what you love and serving your customers effectively. It preserves the quality of what you do, as well as fostering the longevity of high-quality services within your reputation.
  • Don’t be afraid to price with confidence. When you undervalue your work, others might too. Charge a fair rate to reflect the quality and effort you put in. Perception as reality can be a very real thing. Imposter syndrome is very real for everyone, but it’s important to harness the reality of the worth your time alone has, as well as materials, and especially your skills. Think “fair,” not fancy: You don’t have to be the most expensive option, just believe in your worth and price accordingly.
  • Authenticity sells! People appreciate honesty. Charge a fair price with confidence, and customers will respond in turn.

Remember, your passion fuels your creations. It’s a symbiotic relationship, not only with you and your customers, but yourself as well. Value your work, and create a passion to last your whole life, and not something that burns out within the year. Charging a fair price for services isn’t just about money – it’s about sustainability, quality, and fostering a long-lasting passion for your craft.

*This post was written by a human named Alex, summarizing a video recorded by a human named Patrick.